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Debra Topham

GMO labeling & Bioengineered (BE) labeling disclosures released by USDA

Updated: Aug 18, 2019

JUST RELEASED: The FINAL requirement to label USA foods and supplements with bioengineered (BE) content was announced today.  Labeling products–including imports–with BE content is the government language for declaring “GMO content” by January 1, 2022. The USDA is the regulatory agency and the rules apply to select USDA and FDA-regulated foods and supplements.

This does NOT apply to products CERTIFIED as organic.  These products already must not contain ingredients altered by biotechnology.

Simplistically, the “GMO content” must be declared based on SELECT crops, the DETECTABLE amount of genetic material, AND the biotechnology used to alter the crops.

Knowledge Bank will provide more information but here is the USDA link.

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